The Urban Drum Crew a.k.a UDC is a living, breathing success for an arts percussion group that started right here in Singapore. A "Show" percussion group to begin with, UDC is a definite showstopper whenever and wherever they perform. UDC is ranked top be it in terms of accolades, achievements or number of hired performances.
Often imitated but never equaled, the ORIGINAL playing styles, approach & methods of the Urban Drum Crew are first & unique throughout the World.
Other than the UDC playing style, the various percussive instruments employed are also unique & innovated in Singapore. Their most signature “must see ORIGINAL” act has to be their self improvised WATER LED Drums show.
LASER PERCUSSION ACT! In the last quarter of 2016, UDC have successfully created and developed the World's First and Only, Fully Play-able LASER Drum Sticks.
Other notable signature gadgets used with performances would be Firehead sticks, Mobile SENSOR LED Drums & their hybrid recycled material drums.
The group only decided to come together and start officially in July 2005 although their humble beginnings were found in 2002 when their founder, Mr Tan Boon, led a group of 20 eager young men and women for Singapore's renowned Chingay street parade. From July 2005 onwards, the quality and energy of its performances were constantly elevated to new heights year after year. Many corporate clients turn to UDC for their source of "impactful" performance and in recent years, Urban Drum Crew has performed for MediaCorp, Microsoft, Apple, HP, Samsung, DBS, WTA, Maserati, Porsche, F1 Singapore and many government organizations, to name but a few.
Neither is their experience limited to local performances. In 2010, they performed at South Korea's 4 day Sacheon International Percussion Festival, Urban Drum Crew wowed and delighted the capacity crowd of 18,000 and was standing tall for Singapore amongst performers from France, Japan, Croatia, USA, Syria, Thailand and of course South Korea.
On 16 of Sept 2010, Urban Drum Crew 's performance was broadcasted on CCTV to 100 million viewers in China and worldwide for the 20th Anniversary China Singapore Concert 2010. This performance featured the energetic choreography of Urban Drum Crew fusing Modern Water LED drumming with the colours of Chinese drums, Malay drums and Indian drums.
From March 19 till April 13 in the year 2014, Urban Drum Crew was hired by the VENETIAN Macao to perform at the Macau Dine & Wine Festival & Venetian Carnevale. The Urban Drum Crew returned triumphantly after having performed 78 impactful shows and thrilling more than 100,000 visitors & guests.
Till date, Urban Drum Crew have already performed more than 1500 shows professionally at corporate events and live TV broadcast events in Singapore and other countries, with total audience size in the millions. These are all professional paid engagements. Other than Singapore, UDC was also hired professionally to perform in 14 other countries. These countries are Canada, Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Macau (Macao), India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia.
UDC's passion stirs them to constantly defy and to define a truly unique Singaporean style for drumming and the art form itself as opposed to adopting ethnic and/or popular and/or mass appeal drumming cultures.
To find out more about Tan Boon, founder and chief choreographer of Urban Drum Crew, please visit